Hello Folks, welcome to Kapil's Weblet. ( = A Website on steroids. Click on all the buttons to see what U can do ...) Im on a mission to make THE WORLD  BETTER ! Together with all my friends. Wanna join me ?

My big passion is to help end world poverty and work towards a more fair , equitable and sustainable world. 


With the help of Frega , the new Social Media Platform that is  introducing brand new internet, social media and business tools to everyone 

- Tools that PAY you for using them!  

The Frega Collective is a UCaaS - Unified Communications as a Service - company. 


A  little about Frega


Frega can be described in many different ways .....

Its a FINTEC (Financial Technology Company)

Its a Social Enterprise

It's a Social Media Site

It's an e-commerce platform

Its a Collective


But I like to describe Frega as ....






Question ......


If I asked you "Who built Facebook" you would possibly say "Mark Zuckerberg of course!" 


You know, most people would say the same. 


But they would be wrong ..... think about it ....


Mark Zuckerberg created the software .... but It was us, you and me, who built the data base for him! 


First we created our own page, then we invited our friends to join, we got involved in groups, we shared videos and pictures .... we shared the whole of our lives! 


So no  ... Mark Zuckerberg didn't build Facebook ... WE DID! ... And Facebook shareholders reap the (massive) rewards



Well .... we at Frega,

we think It's time to press the RESET button!



Frega is a global community of people who are working together for the benefit of the whole.


We have developed an alternative to Facebook ...


FregaHUB is social media with a SOCIAL conscience!


AND, just like Facebook we’ve added cloud based services and apps, some of which are free and some of which carry a monthly fee.

And all we ask our members to do is to do exactly the same as we all did with Facebook .....

Create a profile, get your friends to join, share stuff, be SOCIAL


We ALL get to share the money that Frega receives from their value added services ...

Whether WE OURSELVES paid for anything OR NOT!

Members only obligation .... TO BE SOCIABLE!


Creating a profile for yourself, your business, your church, your organisation, your sports or social club, or your charity, is EASY and better still ..... it's free.

With Frega there is never an obligation to buy anything.

Registration is quick and easy .... by simply clicking the REGISTER button (on any existing member's weblet, their HUB page, or on the link that they send you)





What will you do with YOUR Frega residual income? 


Will you give it to your favourite charity?

Will you start your own business? 

Will you use it to help your favourite social group or Club ?

Will you go and dig wells in Sudan or Yemen? 

Will you put it towards research? 

Will you help the people of Gaza?

Or will you just have better holidays? 

The possibilities are endless ... IF WE ALL WORK TOGETHER ... WE WILL ALL BENEFIT. 



JOIN US ...... CLICK THE LOGIN/REGISTER BUTTON AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. If you are on a phone click the menu button (three horizontal red lines) then click LOGIN/REGISTER. _

You can start by just using the chat, video chat and social media.  But look what else you can do if you choose... 




With NO technical skills, you can set up your own private or business web presence in minutes, free of charge, that is seamlessly connected with your social media and self-organising contact book. 


You can share documents, upload files, manage groups and create a video library with a few clicks. You can buy and sell products, advertise , promote and raise funds.  You can even earn a growing living by communicating about your chosen topic. 


How you use the tools is entirely up to you!



  • FREE access to ChatPlus a mobile and desktop app for texting and video-calling like WhatsAPP.
  • A FREE HubPage that works a lot like Facebook but PAYS you for using it! And respects your privacy. 
  • A FREE webpage or 'weblet' like the one you're looking at right now.
  • FREE Listings for every business in your area directory.  So you can be found locally and Worldwide!
  • FREE Advertising of products and services on Something2Trade which is like Amazon or ebay.
  • FREE Access to our HubPage where we all meet to promote and discuss everything from school events to festivals, environmental concerns, our local businesses, start-ups, shops, neighbourhood watch and more.
  • Access to an INCREDIBLE reward system that will attract customers to spend money with you again and again.
  • And MUCH more besides...


The more you use these tools in place of other social media tools, the more your daily revenue will grow.


To get started, all you have to do is register by clicking the button at the top , and from the moment you do, you will start receiving tiny amounts of income from around the world.  Why?  Because we are part of a growing, cooperative, international platform that is OWNED by everyone that registers.  So WE share the revenue that otherwise goes to companies like Google and Facebook.


Whatever your age or location - Welcome aboard!


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